How to Approve Customer Text Posts

Customer text posts approval allows you to maintain the quality of the content shared on your platform. Minor modifications can be made before approval, and you have the option to delete any customer posts prior to their publication.
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to approve customer text posts:
  1. Click the 'Approve' button.
  1. Select 'Customer Text Posts'.
  1. On the 'Approve Customer Text Posts' page, use the drop-down arrow to select a specific campaign.
  1. To view only new posts, click 'New'. To view only approved posts, click 'Approved'. To view all posts, click 'All'.
  1. To change the customer's profile image, select the post and click 'Change Profile Image'. You will see a list of available images.
  1. Choose a new profile image and click 'Submit'.
  1. To approve a post, select it and then click 'Approve'.
  1. If you need to delete a post, select it and then click 'Delete'.
This procedure helps ensure that all customer text posts published on your campaigns align with your standards and brand guidelines.