Publishing Messages to Social Media

Publish messages to multiple accounts across all five major social networks with one click. You can preview how your post will look on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Youtube before you schedule. This means that you can add a photo or a video to your post.
Three ways to add a video to your post:
  • Record Video Now – Allows you to publish a quick video update to your news feed.
  • Upload a Video – If you already have a video on your hard drive or smartphone.
  • External Video – Use this option to share a remotely hosted video along with your message on this post.
To publish messages to Social Media:
  1. Click on Publish.
  1. Click To Social Media.
  1. In the Message box, type the message you want to publish.
  1. Select the social accounts to send this message to in the Accounts drop-down boxes below.
  1. To add a link to your post, place a checkmark in the Attach a Link.
  1. To attach a video or photo to your post, place a checkmark in the Attach a Video or Photo box.
  1. To publish the message now, click Schedule Now. To publish the message at a later date, click Later and then click the Calendar icon to choose a date and time.
  1. To publish your message, click Publish. To save your message as a draft for later, click Save Draft.


The Preview & Edit area shows an approximation of how your published message will appear on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
To edit the message:
  • To edit the content of the share on Facebook and LinkedIn, click the Edit link in the top Preview box.
  • To change the description, edit the description in the Link Description box.
  • To change the image associated with the link, use the arrows to the left and right of the existing image.
  • To add a hashtag or @mention to Twitter messages, click the Edit link in the bottom Preview box and add a hashtag or other text in the Add Hashtag box.