Countdown Timers & Call-to-Action Buttons

Enhance your campaigns with new countdown timers and call-to-action (CTA) buttons.
  1. New Countdown Timers
    1. This requires action if you have an active contest or sweepstakes. If you have live sweepstakes or contests before the 12th of February 2020, you must add a countdown timer to your campaign. The red text alert informing people of the deadline for entering the sweepstakes or contest is being replaced with a more flexible and attractive countdown timer. Consequently, the old alert will disappear from your campaign.
      notion image
      These timers allow you to set a countdown with one of three end times/dates:
      • Contest End Date: Your timer will reach zero when your contest or sweepstakes ends. If you have multiple award periods, it will end and reset automatically at the end of the current period.
      • Duration After Page Load: Your timer will reset with each visit from a new person. For example, if you want to create urgency by indicating there are only a few minutes left to secure a deal, you can set this to 10 minutes. Each visitor will see 10 minutes counting down when they visit.
      • Fixed Date/Time: Use this to promote your live events or special offers. Your timer will reach zero when that date/time arrives.
  1. Call-to-Action Buttons
    1. You can now place a large CTA button in your header and multiple CTA buttons throughout your campaign. When users click the button, it will smooth scroll them down to wherever your submission form is located. This will enable you to create long-form campaign designs and still maintain prominent, above-the-fold calls-to-action.